So we made it. We actually successfully made it through Thanksgiving this year! Combing forces with Husband proved triumphant! We are like a super hero and a an arch nemesis (I won't go into who is who, but we all know who the nemesis is...) cooking together is hard, but when it happens we can't be stopped!

Working in the kitchen with Husband is an interesting experience to say the least. He is very controlling and likes to dictate what I should be doing at all times. He also is adamant about cleaning up as he goes. There is no idle chit chat when at work! No standing around when there is a job to be done! Cooking is work and that is that! He also, like any good General gets very frustrated if something is amiss. The stove top stuffing directions were proving to be inadequate for his liking: "I don't understand it doesn't say what we are supposed to do here, I don't get it, do we have to cook the stuffing first?!!" Keep in mind this was our very first Thanksgiving dinner that we have made with a Turkey. I calmly tried to tell husband that yes, you make the stuffing first, then you put it into the bird and then you cook the bird. "well, it doesn't say that!" Who's to say I was even right to be honest. What do I know? Besides the fact that I watch a lot of cooking shows, I know nothing about cooking. However, I felt if I said such information with authority he might buy it. Turns out I was right, truth be told I was merely guessing.

When we sat down for our Thanksgiving feast finally, there was a little bit of general chaos-Baby was howling because he was hungry, the cats as usual were standing around the kitchen meowing and Husband was running back and forth tripping over Tupperware left on the floor by Baby and cursing. We sat down and finally there was calm and we began to eat... and by God it was awesome! Our combined forces worked great together. The Turkey was moist and delicious, every side dish was steaming hot and fantastic, even my hand made cranberry sauce that I had never made before was excellent! I couldn't believe it! The funny thing was we now wished we had invited guests. I told Husband that next time we would, now that we had the confidence in our abilities as bird cookers.
By God I think she's got it!

Happy thanksgiving....
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