After watching Julie and Julia last night on the big TV,

Current thoughts:

I'm tired
I'm tired
I'm tired
I've been staying up watching movies since our Tivo situation is in transition. This also is coinciding with Baby who is restless at night and and has not been sleeping well which in turn is making me (the night watcher) also not sleeping well. Thus no sleep.

No one cares about that, so I will write about other current thoughts. Movies I watched recently:
Julie and Julia

I liked this movie. Not because it was Particularly
fantastic. It was good. I really enjoyed it, but I think I enjoyed it because I am a woman and it really appeals to women. Lets not forget how fabulous Meryl Strep is.
fantastic. It was good. I really enjoyed it, but I think I enjoyed it because I am a woman and it really appeals to women. Lets not forget how fabulous Meryl Strep is.

I have not watched a movie she was in and didn't enjoy some part of it. Let me remind everyone to watch Silkwood again if you haven't already.

Holy moses if you don't love her already, you will after Silkwood. She is possibly the realest woman on film. she just screams every woman,

and I love that about her. Needless to say, she was great in Julie and Julia-so lovely. she made Julie Child's into this lovable character that you just really felt for.

I will say I cant think of a single man on this planet that will enjoy this movie. Maybe I'm wrong and or being sexist, but seriously I cannot think of a single thing about it that a man will enjoy. I'll also say that although I usually tend to love Amy Adams- hello 'June bug'

but in this I found her character so bleh, whiny and boring.

The night before movie was Sherry Baby

-ok firstly Maggie Gyllenhaal is amazing

, she really is. She becomes whoever she is playing, character wise and she truly is flawless. The movie was very depressing though. A woman just out of jail,l recovering from drug addiction trying to get her life together so she could take care of her daughter again. It just gets harder when you have kids and you watch these movies. There becomes a whole other layer of grief and sadness that wasn't there before I had baby, that now exits when I see sad parenting movies about deadbeats fucking up with their kids.

Its ugly and hard to watch for me. The movie as a piece of of storytelling was good. The characters were real and well written. Maggie was great. The movie itself was very depressing. Side note- Maggie's boobs somehow play a central character in the film. You know how that happens sometimes? like a house in a film is key to the movie or a piece of wardrobe becomes central in the story? Maggie G's boobs were like a character in this film with their own storyline, and that storyline was intense.

so that's why I'm tired. Lets see what tomorrow brings...
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