3. The Fling-Its that night-the night where all your co workers and yourself get a little too tipsy celebrating at the bar gathering. It started as simple flirting with a friendly coworker and ended with you trying to get them to leave your apartment at 7am the next morning cause you have a "dentist appointment" you have to get to on a Sunday...

4. The Inappropriate Relationship-its more then a fling, cause the sex was somehow way better then you ever thought it would be, and you're also friends at work- so it makes sense right? Wrong. It also happens to be your supervisor and well, its a little dicey so you keep it secret, you know just in case someone might think its weird, not that it is weird... (yeah, except it is weird)

5. The Real Deal-it happened after a few group events one cold winter evening after a few glasses of wine, and from there it was magic. You never saw it coming, and there it is: your co worker is now your live in love and its looking like wedding bells and babies are in your future! Its like a sighting of a unicorn-its rare, but when it happens you cant wait to brag to all your friends about how you have accomplished the impossible.
...dedicated to all my work crushes over the years...
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