Thursday, September 27, 2012

it happened

So race day came and went. It was awesome! I felt great and everything went really smoothly. There were huge waves but I wasn't afraid, even though they were the biggest I had dealt with all season long. I ran the whole 4 miles without walking, and I didn't fall off my bike trying to clip in or out. I was relieved since that was my check list of anxieties. I felt successful, until I got my time. It was exactly the same as last year minus some seconds. I couldn't understand what happened. After all that run training had I not improved? My run was faster but my bike was slower, I was more cautious. My transitions were faster and I ranked better then I had the previous year. Overall I did better, but I couldn't help be disappointed with my time. I really wanted to get down to the two hour mark.  I've got some work to do I guess. Next up is a 10k, first time for that, lets see how I do...

It says I'm 37 WTF? I won't be 37 for another 3 months thank you very much!

Here's a little taste of what it's like on race day

I liked my number this year I could actually remember it

Our team ramping up for the race start, they kick you out of the transition area once the race starts

Some lovely Tri friends

I was very savvy with my headlamp, you should be jealous

my transition space, all set up and ready to go

This is how come I know I should be doing this type of activity cause every picture taken of me I am super stoked.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Count down

Its the final countdown! Three days left to race day, how can that be? It came fast. Even though this training season felt long...I think I'm ready. I'll let you know after Sunday how it goes. Right now all I want is to beat last years race time of 2:12.

This is me the first year I did this race four years ago as a relay. Look how stoked I was!

Two things to note that are not cool, that I now know: 1. Camelback backpack-no "real"
bike rider wears one cause they slow you down. But at the time trying to grab my water bottle on the frame seemed impossible. I still drop them all the time. 2. sneakers instead of bike shoes that clip in-experienced bikers would never not have clips and bike shoes. You can go so much faster with them. I like that now I'm in "the know".

About Me

My photo
I'm a working Mom to a Toddler, a messy wife to a neat freak and a 6 foot tall Glamazon triathlete who went to art school. If Lucille Ball and Laverne and Shirley had a Goth love child thats who I'd be.