Last night I came home to Husband and Baby sitting on the floor in the living room watching as two what appeared to be pimple faced teenagers- were standing around doing what they considered trying to fix/connect/install our new HD Tivo. They had missed their earlier appointment and hadn't shown up at all, not even calling. Seeing that I hate confrontation Husband had called in demanding they send someone tonight. Suddenly I was a stranger in my own home. I was greeted by Workers before I was greeted by Husband or Baby, following suit I casually said "hey" in greeting, as if we were old pals. "Hey whats up? " was their response.
As the evening progressed, I fed Baby or rather watched as Baby rubbed mustard all over his face, Husband excitedly walked back and forth from the living room to the Kitchen to report in a stage whisper: "THEY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE DOING!! (this part louder) ANOTHER TYPICAL CABLE EXPERIENCE!".
Here' s the thing about me: I cannot deal with talking behind peoples backs when they might possibly hear-it is one of my worst fears. Husband feels exactly the opposite and seems to think it is not only an acceptable way to express ones feelings about others, but the preferred way to get ones point across. He then scowled down the hallway at them driving his point home. After another 1/2 hour of what sounded like a lot of talking on a Cel phone by said "technicians" it was decide by Workers that nothing could be accomplished at this point, and that it was time to pack it up. At this time I was huddled in Baby's room eves dropping on the monitor because I knew that Husband would not take this news laying down. We listened while worker #1 told Husband that they would be back in the morning. Oh dear, I knew this would not bide well with Husband. "The morning!" Husband exclaimed "What will change in the morning about this situation then what you can fix right now?". I shrunk lower on the floor in Baby's room wincing from Husbands accusations while Baby happily chewed on his snow white book. What would worker #1 do? Then I lost the thread of the conversation cause baby decided to stand up and babel loudly about the changing table drawer that he was unable to open. Missing the end of the conversation completely to then hear Husband say calmly "OK man, thanks a lot- have a good night" "you too" said worker #1. what? huh? what the hell happened?
You see this is always the case with Husband. I find him to be offensive and overly aggressive His very forward tactics of dealing with issues seem so overbearing to me. Even in situations where we are getting the shaft by the cable company, yet again. The thing is, that I hate to admit is: he's usually...right. urg that hurt to even write, but its true...for the most part. I despise playing the role of the squeaky wheel or the bearer of bad news where Husband seems to revel in it, taking great pride to be the one who has reported the injustice. I cannot stand confrontation. Husband lives for it. Point him in the direction of the misguided and he will shed light on the situation, telling everyone what they can do with their wrongs. What I find the most interesting is that Husband although offensive to me doesn't seem to offend others in the same way. His casual "Have a nice night" is usually how it ends with said person walking off with good tidings.
I appreciate the squeaky wheels of the world because without them we wouldn't have any of the modern day luxuries that we have today. If it were up to me we would still be stoning our clothes against rocks in the river and hanging them in trees to dry. It' the people like Husband in the world who stood up one day and said "this sucks, it hurts my back, I don't want to do this anymore. Can't we do this an easier way?".
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