...Hmm my life right now, is interesting.
The other night I was doing Yoga in the Garage, or as I like to call it "The Burcham Yoga Studio" which features lovely smells like pot, gasoline and wet dog. Anyway, I was doing a yoga routine entitled "embrace" by the lovely Adriene who I really truly think is super cool. Check her out: https://www.youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene. My mantra for the evenings workout: "Embrace your happiness" because I had realized lately that I am...wait for it...HAPPY. weird right? It feels strange to even say out loud, mostly cause you just don't want to jinx it ya know? Like I'm not sick (knock on wood), The Boys not sick, Husband is not sick (double knock on wood) we are not broke, Husband has a job, I have a job... and something happened at my job that changed me I think. My boss told me after my show was over that I didn't need to look for work, that they were "committed" to me. Whoa. Committed?! This was like seeing a Unicorn in a field of Poppies with a double rainbow behind it! I have not heard these words, like, EVER from a boss, and thus something happened inside of me. I became HAPPY. Something about being wanted needed, appreciated, it felt like the clouds parted and the sun came blaring through. To say that this is refreshing in this industry is an understatement. With that, I am also not busy at work while I wait for the next show to come along. Until then I have been helping with this and that, and being my own boss really, as well as not having to be anyone else boss- which is also incredibly nice. Being the boss is stressful to say the least. A lot of times I feel like I am just merely pretending I know what to do to lead people in the right direction. I will admit that just having someone be a leader is at times all that's needed regardless of if they actually know how to lead. You should also be a person who will: listen, solve problems and at least try and figure out a way to complete and finish something, even if it seems hopeless. These are things I do know how to do. But the word boss, and its definition seem like some grown up costume thats too big for me. All that aside, I have been happy, because I'm not overworked, I'm wanted, and my family is healthy. It's a lot to ask for quite honestly, and the fact that I have all that right now is huge. I am very lucky and I am grateful for that, and very grateful for my happiness.
Here's a few pictures of us right now. Please note our spectacular front garden that we finished last Sepetember, it's springing into life in a way that is stunning me each and every day.

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