Thursday, April 14, 2016

A Day in the Life

A day in the life in pictures for this working Mom. This day didn't turn out so average for me, but still represents where I'm at right now. So here you go!

7am time to wake up-even though the alarm went off at 6am!

Coffee time and wake up the Toot!

8am-Time for breakfast and to get moving and out of the house

9am-drop off the Toot and hit the road for work a nice fun hour of traffic into Hollywood

10a-finally at work! and time for more coffee

11am time to snack in my office for a brief moment while I work

12p more work...

1pm lunchtime!

2pm leave work to go pick up The boy for Karate class

3pm Pick up The Boy from school and head to Karate class

4pm Karate is awesome to watch

5pm head home and work out-Tracy Anderson mat routine and Cardio routine. The doggies like to work out too.

6pm a little dog walk and my favorite time of day in our garden

7pm time to make lunches and take a bath

8pm no one wants to make dinner so we are going out! The boys seem thrilled...

9pm its late and time for bed

10p all the boys are alseep finally so its moms time for some TV and bed at 10:45

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About Me

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I'm a working Mom to a Toddler, a messy wife to a neat freak and a 6 foot tall Glamazon triathlete who went to art school. If Lucille Ball and Laverne and Shirley had a Goth love child thats who I'd be.