Spinning Class-45 minutes of sorta intense cardio.
Running-I do running drills at a track with our Triathlon team after work for 1 hour. It kills me each week!
Swim-After we run, we do swim drills at the pool for 1 hour.
Spinning Class-Different teacher then Monday,(who's crazy)1 hour of INTENSE Cardio.
Yoga-Although this is a pretty advanced Yoga class, this is my easy day, and I am always relieved when Thursday comes.
Swimming-I swim for an hour in the morning before work. I try and do at least 50 laps.
Running-Friday night after I put The Toot down for bed, I run 4 miles. It sounds awful to most, but to me running in the nice cool darkness with just me and my music is pretty great, even though I hate running.
Day of rest-or Toot chasing as I like to call it.
Beach day-1/2 mile ocean swim, 18 mile bike ride, 3 mile run. This is my biggest day and afterward I am wiped. I do this two weekends in a row then one weekend off, just cause I realized it was starting to wear on me.
When I write it all out, it dawns on me that it might be a lot...
Maybe that's why I look like this
Instead of looking like this

I can't wait for my spa weekend with the girls in a couple weeks!
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