Wednesday, August 15, 2012

burn out

Lately I have been feeling well, tired. I went to Arizona over a week ago now and I feel like I really never came back from that trip. After that weekend my enthusiasm for exercise has been nil. I went to one spin class last week and then it all went to hell in a hand basket. I didn't do anything else -it was a disaster. I didn't even want to, that was the part that was the weirdest. I had no desire. Possibly because the week before my trip I did the whole Tri as a practice at the beach, and then went on my trip the next weekend. I just plain burned myself out.

Its so strange when that happens. I knew why I was burned out. It wasn't like a huge surprise or anything. I had spent a long weekend away from my family and although it was wonderful and relaxing I was still away from home and in a car 7 hours there and 7 hours back. Its odd to me when I feel apathy. Its not me. Its not the normal me anyway. My mother has been telling me since I was little that I have been overbooked since birth. She is not this way, so its especially daunting to her how much I do at any given time.

So last week I took the week off exercise, even the weekend. I hung out with the boys and just chilled. Guess what? IT. WAS. AWESOME!

I guess all the training this year has made me tired. Maybe I started too soon in the season, maybe I trained too much? I don't know. I know that I feel good. I know that I look better then I have since before The Toot was conceived. I know that I feel stronger then ever, but I do know that I am tired. Husband said it's the perfect time to take a week off since I have 4 weeks left to train before the big day. "You already know you have the stamina to do it, you need to take breaks". I know he's right, but why do I feel so guilty?

Regardless, this week I'm back on the wagon, back to normal again. I did my spin class, I did my track run and swim...I feel less tired, but still less motivated then before.

Send this Triathlete some motivation if you have any extra lying around, cause I think I might need it.

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About Me

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I'm a working Mom to a Toddler, a messy wife to a neat freak and a 6 foot tall Glamazon triathlete who went to art school. If Lucille Ball and Laverne and Shirley had a Goth love child thats who I'd be.