Blue finger nail polish

I recently found a nail salon close to work that I can walk to on my lunch breaks. How wonderful it is to get my nails done again every other week like I used to! I don't know why, but this makes me whole again. My transition into motherhood has been hard for this Diva who loves her freedom. Having to give up much of my beauty routine has been difficult. I don't like to give up my personal liberties, in this way I recognize that I am a princess and clearly an only child.
True Blood

I know, I know- everyone has this same obsession so who cares-but I'm still obsessing over it, so its going on the list even if it is common. Here's why I love this show: Because it reminds me of a dirty joke-its dumb and obvious and clearly dirty, but its funny and it makes you laugh and snicker to yourself that you get it and that sex is funny and wonder-inducing and gross. True Blood is the same for me: The accents are atrocious, the lighting is like watching theatre, everything about it is sweaty and nasty and I friggen love it! I also like that all the stars are slightly off in some way. None of them really have classic star appeal, which I find interesting. At first I found it kind of off putting, but now I love it. I love that I can see every zit and bead of sweat. I also love that's its set in the south. I don't know why but I friggen love the south.
Black Swan

I haven't seen this movie yet of course, but boy does this trailer look good! Anything dance/ ballet related I'm down for. Not to mention girl fights, lesbian make out scenes and lets not forget anything with dark goth make up and theatrical flair. This really appeals to my inner 15 year old punk rock Goth girl persona that I haven't really gotten rid of. I cant wait til December!
The Social Network

I recently saw the trailer for this while watching one of my hideous morning talk shows that I truly hate, but feel obligated to watch since there is nothing else on in the mornings when I feed my son. For some reason this film really appeals to me. I'm not really even a Facebook whore. I mean I have my moments and my weeks where I'll check it pretty regularly, but then I will go weeks without even looking at it or thinking about it. I do love the history of popular culture though and this movie looked really interesting in how it is laid out almost 'less then zero' style- of kids striking it rich and how they dealt with that reality. I guess it doesn't hurt that back in the day I was one of the only people I knew who was on Friendster and thought it was absolutely genius. Maybe cause I feel like I was there? Who knows but it looks good.
Somethings gotta Give soundtrack

I first heard this CD when I was at my friends house drinking wine and I fell in love all over again.I of course loved the movie and we all know my current obsession with my Parisian Cafe which I won't go into again, but this goes hand and hand with this whimsical little gem. This CD is perfect for us Moms who consider ourselves Paris lovers. 'Somethings gotta give' has always made my heart swell with its beach house set, woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown, two men in love with the same gal glory- This movie appeals to my inner egocentric. Anything Diane Keaton is of course golden to me, but add in Jack Nickelson, fabulous sets and costumes and classic French hits and I am sold, its a perfect storm people lets be honest.
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