As husband and I sat with our feet in the penis fountain enjoying a hot summer evening after work, we got to talking.
Husband: Found a boat magazine at work. Boats aren't that expensive.
Me: Huh.
Husband: $190,000, that's really cheap, I didn't realize how affordable it is!
Me: seems expensive to me.
Husband: compared to a house!
Me: I see where you're going, still seems expensive.
Husband: but ya know, for like a single guy to live on a boat, work half the year, then spend the other half cruising around the islands.... seems like fun right?
Me: not so much.
Husband: Really? seems like a great idea! Chill out on your boat, it would be small for one person, but do able. Cruise around. Doesn't it sound great?
Me: No..... Wait, you're having a man fantasy. You're having a single guy fantasy.
Husband: What? No, I just thought it was a good deal. Doesn't it sound great?
Me: No.... its definitely a single guy fantasy. I don't want to be stuck on a tiny boat. But I get it. You're "boat Guy". Weird, I never knew. I could see you being "beach guy", but I never really pictured you as "boat guy". Cause you know "beach guy" and "boat guy" are totally different.
Husband: "Beach guy" and "Boat Guy" are completely different, but I could be "Beach guy" too.
Me: Totally.
Husband: So that's not your dream?
Me: uh, no.
Husband: huh.
It got me thinking. Where was my single guy plan? Me, the person who had a fantasy for every possibility life could offer, yet I was stumped. What would I do in my new single life? Lately I was too busy formulating my Parisian cafe fantasy to be concerned with any other potential lives I might be living. Sadly Parisian cafe seemed to include Husband and Baby even if only on my terms, when they were both behaving. I was suddenly very jealous of husband, because if Baby and I dropped dead tomorrow Husband would be setting sail, hair blowing in the breeze with a complete single guy life plan in tact! While if anything ever happened, and I was suddenly single, I would be left floundering away trying to figure out what my single guy plan would be.
It was time to start thinking...
So here are some quick ideas I came up with if I were suddenly single:
1. Slutty Hollywood girl

I could prance about tits proudly forward crawling the night clubs
2. Chill Beach babe

I could live in Venice and ride my beach cruiser bike around
vintage shops and buy antiques and eat brunch all the time.
3. Executive lady

I could climb the corporate latter making my career top priority, stepping on anyone that got in my way until I reached the top making millions of dollars.
....Ugg sadly none of these really appeals to me right now. I'll have to put more thought into this....
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