So Three year old is obsessed with Star Wars. He loves all the characters, but seems to have a special attachment to Darth Vader. I find this appropriate considering the new phase he is in. Since his third birthday something has changed with Three year old-he's funnier, more interesting and a holy terror. Like Darth Vader he has become the reigning lord of saboteur. People talk about two year olds like they are "so crazy"! No. Three is where it gets hard. At three they have the full capability of verbalizing their opinions and thoughts, so it's not just "no" to everything, now it's "I don't want to do that Mama, because I don't like that". huh? what do you mean you don't like that?

Last night Three year who had not taken a nap (prime toddler terrorist breeding grounds) started the evening out OK, then quickly spiraled into a full blown suicide bomber on an airplane. By bath time his head was permanently thrown back, mouth wide open crying, this time because his band aid on his finger (which he doesn't need since the cut healed five days ago) had fallen off. I tried everything: telling him there was a new band aide waiting for him after his bath, making him laugh by imitating a chicken, being soothing, being firm-nothing made a difference. This kid was so tired and over whelmed I eventually had to wrap him in a towel, burrito style and carry the screaming tyrant to his room. He then continued to cry the entire time I put his pajamas on him since he was too crippled by carrying on to do anything for himself.
I realize that this is just a phase, and like always in a few weeks once school has settled, he will be his normal lovely self again. Hopefully he will also start taking naps at school again to. Until then, I need as much sympathy as possible. Even Husband commiserated with me. The look on his face when we went in to give Dada his good night kiss said it all, his face was so full of pity for me that I almost didn't recognize the man I married. I'm sure I must have looked so haggard and beyond repair that even Husband felt sorry for me.
Until the next phase, Lord Vader rules my home, and "You don't know the power of the dark side!".
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