You know when you have one of those weeks where you want to quit your life? Like I'm getting my resume together and I'm outta this stupid life! Last week was that kind of a week for me. I had to put my old Cat that I had since college down, by myself. Husband was working 12 hour days on top of being sick and very cranky, and Toddler had just started preschool full time and was biting other kids! By Friday I was done, I was ready to hand in my resignation letter and start a new life over from scratch.
Here's what I decieded my new life would be: I would move to France and live alone in a small yet tastefully decorated 'flat' near Paris, where I would work my own hours in an art gallery. I would be the kind of person who went on 'holiday' and never wore underwear. I could eat cheese daily and never get fat. I would be the bohemian dressed woman at the cafe drinking wine in the afternoon while reading a book and smoking hand rolled cigarettes. I would have many young french boyfriends whom I wouldn't understand, cause I don't speak frnech, but it doesn't matter because talking wouldn't be important. I would be independtly wealthy and would never have to worry about my monthly daycare bill or my rent....
So I ask you, if you were to quit your life and get a new one what would it be?