Before The Big TV there was just the regular crappy TV. Granted it had all the fixin's-cable, Tivo, DVD player and it belonged to me. I'm the television junky in our house. I have all my shows that I regularly watch. I look forward to the fall season when there are new shows to be plucked from, critiqued and mulled over. TV is how I relax, and how I enjoy my week nights after a long day at work after Baby has gone to bed. I never really expected to upgrade the TV I have had since high school, since Husband only really watches a couple of sports shows now and again and otherwise is not so interested.

So when Husband suggested we get a new TV cause they were having a sale with no interest for two years, I was floored. Lets do it!! We came home with the Imax theatre of televisions and it... is... AWESOME.

Something came over the family after The Big TV came into our home. The birds started chirping, a gentle breeze started blowing and there seemed to be a general happiness over our household. Husband and I actually started watching TV together! After dinner he suggested that we watch True blood together on The Big TV with a glass of wine. I couldn't believe my ears! Husband wanting to actually watch TV with me and watch something that I actually enjoy?! Wait, you mean no Sports Center?! No baseball or basketball game?! You mean you want to watch one of my beloved vampire shows that I save and covet and enjoy so much that I look forward to it all week when the new Netflix arrives?! You mean that?! Husband was so casual about this plan that I had to play it casual too and not fall out of my chair. "sure" I shrugged, "I guess we could do that".

Since the Big TV's arrival we have been enjoying an episode of True Blood each night after dinner with a glass of wine. Husband liked it so much he went out and bought first and second season so we could watch it in fancy Blue Ray whenever we wanted, so we wouldn't have to wait on the Netflix arrival. Not only that we seem to be getting along better to because of it. We chat about the show and look forward to sitting down together at the end of the night for another episode...and people say television ruins marriages..puh they clearly don't own The Big TV.

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