Over dinner the other night we as a family had this conversation:
Toddler: What's this?
Husband: It's a volcano
Toddler: Ohhh VOLCANO!
Me: A volcano is a mountain that shoots out fire and hot lava
Toddler: Fire! swoooooooosh! (arms in air indicating lava coming out)
me: Yeah, it shoots out lava and smoke and fire. It's kinda like the earths butthole.
Husband: eh, its more like a zit.
me: Uh no. It's shooting out lava and heat from it's core, that doesn't make sense.
Husband: Obviously its more like a zit, that's why there would be more then one.
me: The earth is big babe, it could have more then one butthole.
Husband: You're a butthole.