We leave on the train to go up to Oregon to stay with my parents on Tuesday. There are a lot of walls to climb when traveling with a little one, not to mention we have never done it before. where will we stay? Although beautiful, parents house is the size of a shoe box so they are renting a trailer-this was an adventure in and of itself. My father has already measured the wheel well and built a ramp for the trailer. What this ramp will do or where it will go is any ones guess. The train trip itself will take 24 hours. We have our own room with a bathroom. From the location that the train lands we will be picked up by my mothers friend who is a local to the area. This is due to the fact that the journey from the train station to my parents house is treacherous and my father refuses to do the journey any more. Husband also is terrified of this drive and does not want to drive it and so my mother has enlisted a local friend to do this drive for us. He is supposedly experienced in this manner of driving and there fore this drive will be "easy" for him quotes my Mother. Husband is still suspect and has been checking the the weather report hourly. It of course is supposed to snow the day we arrive. I have already decided that if we get trapped in a snow bank I will eat Husband first, since he is annoying me so badly. I might mention that this is a two hour drive in a car with a 1 year old, a cranky husband and a man I have met once before...yep.
So for the last 12 hours while packing and trying to organize not only our own stuff but Baby's stuff, Husband has gone the spectrum of laughing at the ridiculousness of the trip, to having meltdowns about the details of the trip. The last of which entailed how the logistics of the trip were not "well planned out by me" and that "none of it would ever work". our trip back from my parents to the train station will be in the afternoon while it is still light outside over the treacherous snowy pass. Thus ending with us in the tiny town where the train departs hours before the train will actually leave. I might also mention that the train is never, I repeat, never on time. its also late at night. My plan which I did indeed think out- thank you very much was to go to a local hotel, get dinner and then take a cab to the train station which is less then 4 miles away from the hotel. I have cab numbers, a cheap hotel address and directions to and from the hotel to the train station.
Husbands latest meltdown was over the fact that how on earth would we put baby in a cab?! well.. I said we are bringing the car seat with us for this very reason. We also need it to get too and from the train station in L.A since I have also arranged for our friends to drive us and pick us up. "we can't put a car seat in a cab?!!! with all the luggage!!!!"
Why would we be able to put a car seat in a car?- that would be ridiculous! what was I thinking? I wondered afterward how he thought we would get the car seat into my mothers friends car and how that was all going to work-somehow a cab is a very mysterious vehicle that repels car seats.
Since this was Husbands second meltdown of the day, I lost it and told him he was being a jerk. That's the nice version of what I actually said. Then I made a list of everything I have done this year for Christmas versus what Husband has contributed. After that I felt fully justified to move forward in hating Husband.
stay tuned for more Christmas joy...