Wednesday, July 11, 2012


So Tuesday is a long day for me. After work I race over to the track where I practice with my Triathlon team. The drive alone makes me sweat since I am fighting LA traffic to rush there in time, to race out of my car, to run around a track for an hour...wait what? It sounds stupid even to me. After we run the track for an hour we go to the pool a couple blocks down and swim for an hour doing drills. I would hate all of this if it hadn't improved my abilities so much. I have gone from a 10/11 minute mile run, to an 8/9 minute mile run!

Each Tuesday I wake up and groan that I don't want to go. The whole day I think about it. Coincidentally it usually falls on a day when going feels absolutely impossible with whatever else is going on in my life at the time. Like I'm fighting with Husband, or I should really see Toddler that night after work cause he is struggling at preschool, or I just got my period... The list goes on and on. Not to mention the days where I am just plain tired. Trying to race from work to exercise for two hours, to then get home at 9:30pm and eat dinner at 10pm just doesn't always sound appealing. I do it cause I know that it has really helped improve my training. The way I figure it, if I'm gonna do this I might as well do my best right?

My Tuesday night race in pictures...
I start with my race to Burbank through Hollywood, pedal to the medal!

Trapped in my car for 45 minutes

 One car almost side swiped me tying to get in my lane, then pulled up  next to me and we both shouted obscenities and gave each other the finger

Finally at the track, its pretty nice that track I have to admit...

I never had a track at my high school, so this one seems really grand to me

see what I mean?

Finally done running, phew I felt pretty good despite it all

back in the car to go to the pool, exhausted but need to rally for the swim

Olympic size and nice and warm, probably filled with pee from the kids before us but hey I'm not complaining!

This pool is oddly only 2.5 feet deep throughout, sometimes I feel like my belly just scrapes along the bottom the whole time I swim

our coach makes us use these between our feet so we focus on our arms, I just like them cause they are striped 

its nice to air out the old dogs after that run, starting to feel rejuvenated again, like maybe I can actually do this swim...

I wear this to remind myself and others that I have done this before so don't fuck with me, nah its just cause its the only one I have (but its kinda true)

me looking a lot like an adult size Piglet, but hey its hard to look sexy in goggles!

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About Me

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I'm a working Mom to a Toddler, a messy wife to a neat freak and a 6 foot tall Glamazon triathlete who went to art school. If Lucille Ball and Laverne and Shirley had a Goth love child thats who I'd be.