Thursday, July 19, 2012

My weekend in pictures AKA: My 2.5 year old exhausts me!

Started the weekend right by gettin' the old roots done on Friday. Now instead of all gray, I am blond again! If I could just go white already my problems would be solved.
On Saturday morning after I decided to drink wine on Friday night the Toot woke up at 6:30am. That mother F-ing window in his room needs blinds once and for all!

He was his usual sprightly self, its kinda like living with an Elf....
we played many games, read many books and acted out lots of scenes where he put me to bed with me laying on the rug, my head resting on Cookie Monsters butt while he shouted: "MAMA! CLOSE YOUR EYES!"
At least he reads to me when he puts me to bed, notice the title 'Ferocious Wild Beasts' did he know?
Being as tired as I was, "pretending to sleep" was not a stretch. I kinda look like a refugee here trying to blink my way to freedom with Morse Code.
Finally he settled down for a nice breakfast, of two bites of toast before he ran off again.
Later (later meaning hours later, since The Toot got up so early on my day to get up with him!) when Husband woke up we did errands. The Toot was very excited to discover that Home Depot had a fork lift unattended.
The word 'joy' doesn't do justice to how the Toot felt about this. Did I mention we love trucks at our house?
We rounded out the day in the Ghetto Grotto, where Mama could rest her weary bones a little...
...yeah, that didn't last long.
sometimes the Ghetto Grotto can look quite glorious...
This picture of the Toot creeps me out, like he's plotting my death or something. 
...nah, he's just thinking about cars.
This picture is here because I look skinny
lovely Pasadena...
me taking pictures out of my car like a crazy woman as I drive to pick up food
Sunday morning, still exhausted. I look really concerned here, possibly wondering what truck we will play with next.
It's all trucks all the time at our I hope you are into trucks if you come over.
Sometimes its also campers and trailers and tractors if that perks your interest.
This is the hard and scratchy plastic tiger I got at Target for $1. I realized when I got it home that I could probably chip ice with it if needed, and thus it now has 2 functions!
Our flying dragon I got at a garage sale, that I hit my head on at least once a week.

Husband looking very furry and grumpy. This is why we lovingly refer to him as The Gnome
Me and The Toot sharing the love, turns out we are great friends

can you tell I am tired? Jesus take this picture down!
Look closely and you will see why shopping with a Toddler is not always fun
Yet always an adventure! that's what people say when things are difficult.
We ended our weekend with a trip to the Doctor after the Toot got the stomach flu Sunday night. My life is really glamorous...
...but that Toot sure is cute with his new haircut!

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About Me

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I'm a working Mom to a Toddler, a messy wife to a neat freak and a 6 foot tall Glamazon triathlete who went to art school. If Lucille Ball and Laverne and Shirley had a Goth love child thats who I'd be.