Thursday, July 26, 2012

reasons why I may or may not be crazy... two unrelated stories.

1. On a random Thursday night, I decided to have 1 glass of wine. I laid in the dark on my couch in the living room and watched the last half of Brokeback Mountain playing on TV. I have seen this movie 100 times, I own this movie on DVD. Yet I watched it again midway through and proceeded to cry so hard that snot was running down my face and that weird sound that happens when you are sobbing kept squeaking out of me. In the middle of this, my neighbors dog escaped and came into my house because our back door was open, because it was 180 degrees outside and we were trying to cool the place down. The dog stood in the dark in the living room and stared at me. I went silent as I heard my neighbors tentative voice call "Mason?" into our house from the back door, knowing the dog was in my house but not wanting to be rude by coming inside himself to collect his dog. A normal person may have turned the TV off and went to collect the dog and give it back to the neighbor, or even called to the neighbor to say "he's in here, I'll bring him to you". Not me. I went silent and prayed that our new neighbor would not cross our threshold and see me sobbing like a wild woman in the living room. "Mason?" I heard the voice call again. Mason wasn't gonna stick around for more Brokeback crying  and would eventually find his way outside I figured, so I choked back my sobs until I heard the neighbor give up and go away. I then immediately returned to sobbing. Mason and I sat together for a while until he got up and ran down the hall and out the door to freedom. I came to the realization the next day that maybe it wasn't normal to: A) lay on the couch in the dark and cry about a movie I have seen a million times and B) completely disregard the fact that the neighbors dog was in my house watching me do this-but what do I know?

2. Recently I was laying again in the living room on the couch watching a movie with Husband when I felt my heart go thump....long pause...thump thump. The pause was too long for one to feel comfortable. I immediately knew that I was obviously dying. I also noticed that I had been feeling sorta congested lately in my chest, like a cold was coming on. The night after that it happened again while I was laying in bed. Husband had just turned the light out when I sat up and declared: 
"There's something wrong with me!" 
To which Husband responded: "OK". 
"No I'm serious! Its like my heart or something! I am NOT WELL!"
Husband then rolled over to face away from me and said in a bored monotone: 
"Do I need to take you to the emergency room?" 
"I don't think so" I barked panicked. 
"OK then, go to sleep and you'll be fine". 
"I'm not kidding around here, something is wrong!".
 "Then go to the doctor tomorrow, and go to sleep".
How could Husband sleep at a time like this?! Cold, horrible man. Luckily, I survived the night. I then panicked the whole next day and did the one thing one must never do- I looked it up on Web MD. It actually interrupted my symptom questionnaire that I was answering to give me an alert message that if I was having the symptoms I was claiming to have that I should immediately go to an emergency room right away. Discomfort in chest area? check. Happening at night (how did it know?) check! GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM RIGHT NOW! The alert message said with a red triangle indicating obvious horror. After consulting both best friend #1, #2 and Friend/Boss on this situation, my result was: I'm probably not dying, but I should go to the doctor reasonably soon to quell any anxiety driven panic I may be experiencing and or physical symptoms that may be happening and of course rule out anything serious. I made an appointment for the next morning and spent the rest of the day worrying that I was clearly having a "silent heart attack" as indicated on Web MD. 

So I went to the Doctor the next morning even though that day I had continued with my normal Tuesday night Tri training and felt fine. I felt silly going to the Doctor since my fear had calmed, my cold like symptoms were feeling better, and I hadn't had the weird heart thudding experience again. Basically I was just gonna go ask the Doctor to tell me I'm crazy. I went anyway, at least ruling out anything serious would put my mind at ease and wasn't that worth something? Yes! It was the right thing to do, I was sure of it, even though on the way there I got lost and almost cancelled my appointment.

Here is what I learned: What I had experienced when my heart did its weird slow Mo thud was something called Flip Flopping. Its when your heart pauses while pumping blood from the large chamber to the smaller chamber taking a moment to pause before it pumps back again- similar to the second hand on a clock when it pauses a bit before hitting the next minute. Apparently it happens to everyone, just not everyone notices. Those that do notice often end up at the Doctors office -like me in a panic. Caffeine, large amounts of vitamin D, lack of sleep, chest colds, among other things (all of which I do/have/drink/don't get enough of) can seemly aggravate this and make it more pronounced then normal. Huh.

So what I realized about myself: is that I'm clearly crazy, but I'm very perceptive and accurate too! I can live with that.

When I wore this outfit I was asked if I would be having dinner later at the Haunted Mansion

Thursday, July 19, 2012

A week of training

Best Friend #1 told me that I am doing a lot and that's why I am so scatter brained. I thought about it, and I think she might be right. Here is my average week, not including working full time and taking care of the Tootie:

Spinning Class-45 minutes of sorta intense cardio.
Running-I do running drills at a track with our Triathlon team after work for 1 hour. It kills me each week!
Swim-After we run, we do swim drills at the pool for 1 hour.
Spinning Class-Different teacher then Monday,(who's crazy)1 hour of INTENSE Cardio.
Yoga-Although this is a pretty advanced Yoga class, this is my easy day, and I am always relieved when Thursday comes.
Swimming-I swim for an hour in the morning before work. I try and do at least 50 laps.
Running-Friday night after I put The Toot down for bed, I run 4 miles. It sounds awful to most, but to me running in the nice cool darkness with just me and my music is pretty great, even though I hate running.
Day of rest-or Toot chasing as I like to call it.
Beach day-1/2 mile ocean swim, 18 mile bike ride, 3 mile run. This is my biggest day and afterward I am wiped. I do this two weekends in a row then one weekend off, just cause I realized it was starting to wear on me.

When I write it all out, it dawns on me that it might be a lot...

Maybe that's why I look like this

Instead of looking like this

I can't wait for my spa weekend with the girls in a couple weeks!

My weekend in pictures AKA: My 2.5 year old exhausts me!

Started the weekend right by gettin' the old roots done on Friday. Now instead of all gray, I am blond again! If I could just go white already my problems would be solved.
On Saturday morning after I decided to drink wine on Friday night the Toot woke up at 6:30am. That mother F-ing window in his room needs blinds once and for all!

He was his usual sprightly self, its kinda like living with an Elf....
we played many games, read many books and acted out lots of scenes where he put me to bed with me laying on the rug, my head resting on Cookie Monsters butt while he shouted: "MAMA! CLOSE YOUR EYES!"
At least he reads to me when he puts me to bed, notice the title 'Ferocious Wild Beasts' did he know?
Being as tired as I was, "pretending to sleep" was not a stretch. I kinda look like a refugee here trying to blink my way to freedom with Morse Code.
Finally he settled down for a nice breakfast, of two bites of toast before he ran off again.
Later (later meaning hours later, since The Toot got up so early on my day to get up with him!) when Husband woke up we did errands. The Toot was very excited to discover that Home Depot had a fork lift unattended.
The word 'joy' doesn't do justice to how the Toot felt about this. Did I mention we love trucks at our house?
We rounded out the day in the Ghetto Grotto, where Mama could rest her weary bones a little...
...yeah, that didn't last long.
sometimes the Ghetto Grotto can look quite glorious...
This picture of the Toot creeps me out, like he's plotting my death or something. 
...nah, he's just thinking about cars.
This picture is here because I look skinny
lovely Pasadena...
me taking pictures out of my car like a crazy woman as I drive to pick up food
Sunday morning, still exhausted. I look really concerned here, possibly wondering what truck we will play with next.
It's all trucks all the time at our I hope you are into trucks if you come over.
Sometimes its also campers and trailers and tractors if that perks your interest.
This is the hard and scratchy plastic tiger I got at Target for $1. I realized when I got it home that I could probably chip ice with it if needed, and thus it now has 2 functions!
Our flying dragon I got at a garage sale, that I hit my head on at least once a week.

Husband looking very furry and grumpy. This is why we lovingly refer to him as The Gnome
Me and The Toot sharing the love, turns out we are great friends

can you tell I am tired? Jesus take this picture down!
Look closely and you will see why shopping with a Toddler is not always fun
Yet always an adventure! that's what people say when things are difficult.
We ended our weekend with a trip to the Doctor after the Toot got the stomach flu Sunday night. My life is really glamorous...
...but that Toot sure is cute with his new haircut!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


So Tuesday is a long day for me. After work I race over to the track where I practice with my Triathlon team. The drive alone makes me sweat since I am fighting LA traffic to rush there in time, to race out of my car, to run around a track for an hour...wait what? It sounds stupid even to me. After we run the track for an hour we go to the pool a couple blocks down and swim for an hour doing drills. I would hate all of this if it hadn't improved my abilities so much. I have gone from a 10/11 minute mile run, to an 8/9 minute mile run!

Each Tuesday I wake up and groan that I don't want to go. The whole day I think about it. Coincidentally it usually falls on a day when going feels absolutely impossible with whatever else is going on in my life at the time. Like I'm fighting with Husband, or I should really see Toddler that night after work cause he is struggling at preschool, or I just got my period... The list goes on and on. Not to mention the days where I am just plain tired. Trying to race from work to exercise for two hours, to then get home at 9:30pm and eat dinner at 10pm just doesn't always sound appealing. I do it cause I know that it has really helped improve my training. The way I figure it, if I'm gonna do this I might as well do my best right?

My Tuesday night race in pictures...
I start with my race to Burbank through Hollywood, pedal to the medal!

Trapped in my car for 45 minutes

 One car almost side swiped me tying to get in my lane, then pulled up  next to me and we both shouted obscenities and gave each other the finger

Finally at the track, its pretty nice that track I have to admit...

I never had a track at my high school, so this one seems really grand to me

see what I mean?

Finally done running, phew I felt pretty good despite it all

back in the car to go to the pool, exhausted but need to rally for the swim

Olympic size and nice and warm, probably filled with pee from the kids before us but hey I'm not complaining!

This pool is oddly only 2.5 feet deep throughout, sometimes I feel like my belly just scrapes along the bottom the whole time I swim

our coach makes us use these between our feet so we focus on our arms, I just like them cause they are striped 

its nice to air out the old dogs after that run, starting to feel rejuvenated again, like maybe I can actually do this swim...

I wear this to remind myself and others that I have done this before so don't fuck with me, nah its just cause its the only one I have (but its kinda true)

me looking a lot like an adult size Piglet, but hey its hard to look sexy in goggles!

About Me

My photo
I'm a working Mom to a Toddler, a messy wife to a neat freak and a 6 foot tall Glamazon triathlete who went to art school. If Lucille Ball and Laverne and Shirley had a Goth love child thats who I'd be.