Friday, October 8, 2010


So the other day at work I was having an annoying printing problem. I ichated my I.T guy and asked him to go onto my computer and see what the issue was. He took over remotely and I watched as the cursor moved across the screen clicking on and off various options. He quickly got to the root of the problem and then also showed me an alternate plan of attack in case I needed a work around if the same error message returned. I thanked him and moved on with my work. This was of course, all silently over ichat. If felt like a miracle how easily and quietly it was all solved.

I got to thinking what if everything in life worked this way? How wonderful it would be! On the freeway some a-hole cuts you off and then drives slower then the surrounding traffic. You could simply just click and a cursor arrow would appear on the moron in front of you, and poof! it would disappear allowing you to go a nice comfy speed of 75 mph again.
I considered this option also with my fight with Husband. How great would it be to have someone in I.T call him after we hung up angrily with each other, and just say "hey, so you know you were being a jerk, you should probably cut it out". I would then get home and Husband would be normal smiling and we could just eat dinner like usual.
The only problem with my life I.T person would probably be that at times they might call you on the phone and need to explain the Wiki system they just put into place and did you notice how the browser function was now working so much more efficiently? I would probably do what I usually do at work and sigh, knowing I needed to listen because it was the least I could do seeing as how on a weekly basis I.T saved my ass from some disaster. Plus, I don't even need to go into how strange every single I.T guy I have ever met is. Even the normal ones are slightly off. At one job I had, the I.T guy had a beard down to his chest, coke bottle glasses and long goblin fingernails that you just knew were specifically grown for something off putting like: the upcoming wizards convention where there would be a real life reenactment of the 1997 dungeons and Dragons champion move.
The one thing I do love about how strange the I.T guys are, is how oddly confident they always are in their weirdness, and how unfaltering they are with their knowledge at how stupid everyone else is.
Contemplating all of this, I still vote for a Life I.T guy to be a real option, even if he does act bored when I call him and tell him that I am having trouble making it to the bank and would he mind clicking on the bank and making their hours a little longer so I could make it on time to cash my check.

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About Me

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I'm a working Mom to a Toddler, a messy wife to a neat freak and a 6 foot tall Glamazon triathlete who went to art school. If Lucille Ball and Laverne and Shirley had a Goth love child thats who I'd be.