well its not always glamorous being a mother, this is a huge understatement to say the least. I know there are parenting classes, and books you can read, but nothing really prepares you for what its really like.
For instance, today while at the Salvation Army, I was looking for clothes for Baby who at 10 months outgrows clothes like the Hulk. I figured, at least they are cheap. While there I thought I would also look for Mommy. I also seem to Hulk out of clothes lately, the diet is coming soon people...Anyway I had gotten to the book section and thought I would look for some hard back books for Baby who loves the ones where he can turn the pages himself. Baby was in his stroller while I shopped. I hadn't strapped him in, because he was sitting forward playing with his rings and chewing happily. The tray was keeping him in...or so I thought. While I was scavenging through the worn and beat up books for something cute and not covered in invisible kid germs I was trying not to think about, I heard a Man at a near by book shelf exclaim with surprise "OH! " as if he had found a gem. That's when I saw that Baby had slid out from under the tray on the stroller and was now laying on the floor. The man seemed surprised but went about his business stepping over baby to reach for another book. I was horrified! Baby hadn't even cried. In fact he seemed pleased that he had finally escaped the annoyance of the stroller and was now able to freely roam the way he wanted. I scooped him up, this time strapping him in, and rushed to another side of the store mortified that I was such a neglectful parent and also so that I could squelched the tear that were emerging from the the laughter I was trying not to let burst out of me. I knew it would not be appropriate to laugh because seriously I was clearly an unfit parent. You live and you learn I suppose.
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