Recently I made the decision that I would stop arguing with three year old about his clothes every morning. I gave up slowly over time. First it started with the black rain boots that he insisted he wear every day, now I let him. Then it was his shirt choice, mostly Star Wars, and then today I finally let go. When he began to argue with me about how he wanted to wear his brown pin stripped vest he insisted on, over the top of his heavy zip up sweater I patiently explained to him the concepts of "over" and "under" so that he could be clear on what he was really requesting. "we wear our sweaters OVER our shirts and vests". He seemed clear enough on what I was saying and then demanded that he wear the vest OVER the zip up sweater. I then relinquished all control and said "OK". The tears and battles are not worth it to me anymore, and what really am I holding on to? I love dressing him, its a joy I have- but really I don't have any issue with him dressing himself, mostly I just want it done.
Once we were dressed and on our way we stopped off at the Pediatricians office for a visit and then to school, where people at both locations stopped me to comment on how cute three year old looked in that outfit he was wearing. It was then that I realized how stylish he really did look with his black boots over his pants, his striped sweater under his vest, like some over done Ralph Lauren add of fly fishermen.