Today while in Friend/Boss's office, I stood behind her computer while she complained about the website she had just used to make a Valentines day card for her Family. "Can you believe they have a card that says 'I love being inside of you?'". "what?" I exclaimed "No they don't, lemme see..." I peered in closer as she tried to find the card on her screen. With my hand on the back of her chair I stood up and said loudly "why don't they just say I love your Vagina?".
At the exact moment that the words "...I love your Vagina" came out of my mouth the executive producer of our show walked into the room.
"...and on that note...." I said as I tried to slump out of the room.
Luckily he has a great sense of humor and ADD and was quickly on to the next issue of asking me to stay so he could pitch us his idea.
Happy Valentines Day. I love your vagina.